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KSI Update, April 2017

Better Policies Better Lives TM
Time flies and we now have only two months to go in Phase I of KSI. This update sees milestones marking increased momentum to initiate better systems (e-planning) and data flows (Satudata Indonesia). We also observe demand for better use of knowledge and evidence including local and cultural knowledge and strengthened capacity within government through competent policy analysts.
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Time flies and we now have only two months to go in Phase I of KSI. This update sees milestones marking increased momentum to initiate better systems (e-planning) and data flows (Satudata Indonesia). We also observe demand for better use of knowledge and evidence including local and cultural knowledge and strengthened capacity within government through competent policy analysts. This all coincides with the establishment and mobilisation of policy research institutes uniting under ‘Aliansi Riset Kebijakan Indonesia – ARK Indonesia’ (the Indonesian Policy Research Alliance). Underlying these shifts is the need to further reform the bureaucracies of state universities as a spearhead for national bureaucratic reform.

Particularly noteworthy was the successful implementation of the Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia, where a number of ARK Indonesia members actively participated and contributed to the discourse on the role of women in addressing critical knowledge sector constraints. PUSAD Paramadina also presented a study on ‘The Ever-Changing Role of Women in Indonesian Extremist Groups’, highlighting increased emphasis on recruitment of women terrorists.

We are now looking at different approaches to calculate cost-benefit ratios in investing in research for policy, as trialed by Arnaldo and Tanty with the great team at SurveyMeter. This has sparked interest from other institutions and programs. As always, we welcome your input and feedback as we gear up for the second phase of KSI.

Salam KSI!

Culture as a Driver for National Development

“Indonesia has extremely rich and living local traditions and sources of local knowledge that can provide a strong basis to help the implementation of national development plan”, said Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, in his keynote speech at the national seminar on April 4, 2017 on “The Role of Culture in National Development”, hosted by Bappenas and supported by KSI. Culture must be regarded as an important asset that contributes to national development. The Minister underlined that Indonesia can only become a great nation if the country can successfully embody culture into national development. (learn more)

The Indonesia Alliance for Policy Research - Aliansi Riset Kebijakan Indonesia (ARK Indonesia)

As reported in February, an alliance of KSI’s sixteen policy research partners was established in late 2016. The Alliance have now agreed a name – Aliansi Riset Kebijakan Indonesia or ARK Indonesia – a work plan and common platform. ARK Indonesia’s creation recognised that university and nongovernmental research organisations in Indonesia face a common set of issues and constraints. ARK Indonesia aims to provide a forum to facilitate collective action to address these issues, to share knowledge, skills, and data, and to build and strengthen networks with other research organisations and policymakers. Although it currently consists of KSI’s PRI partners, it is anticipated that membership will expand to include new organisations. (learn more)

The Launch of e-Planning, Budgeting and Performance Information

The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas with the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of State Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, supported by the KSI held the grand launch for integrated application system for planning, budgeting, and performance information on 21 April 2017. This event marked almost a year long effort by Bappenas to build an integrated e-Planning System for more effective and efficient national development planning. Integrated and connected planning and budgeting is key to having more sound, coherent, and effective national development programs. (learn more)

Indonesia Development Forum 2017

This year, the first Indonesia Development Forum will be held. Led by Bappenas in collaboration with other relevant ministries and agencies, the two-day conference is planned for August 2017 and will bring together development practitioners from public, private and non-profit sectors to meet and exchange ideas on how to promote new thinking on national development that upholds equality and the development of the human resource base essential to a 21st Century economy. (learn more)

Knowledge Sharing on Journal Management: Policy and Practice

On 11 April 2017, KSI facilitated a half-day knowledge sharing session about Journal Management: Policies and Practices, in collaboration with Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education), sharing a diagnostic study on policy journal. The seminar aimed to provide an avenue for knowledge exchanges and to strengthen interactions between policy makers, academics, and researchers in responding to the shortage of well-communicated research findings to inform national policymaking. More than 50 attendees engaged in the discussion on how to improve quality publications and journal management as a solid source of information and strategic medium to communicate both theoretical and practical studies for better policy making in Indonesia. (learn more)

Discussion Forum on the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform with the Special Attention of Higher Education and the Establishment of ‘Task Force’ on Higher Education Reform

As a follow up from the Bogor meeting on 14-15 December 2017, hosted by the Independent Team of National Bureaucracy Reform (TIRBN, Tim Independen Reformasi Birokrasi Nasional), with the support of KSI, on April 20 2017, TIRBN organised a discussion on the implementation of bureaucratic reform with the special attention to higher education. (learn more)

Focus Group Discussion on Revitalization of Governance in Higher Education and Research

Linked to the above high-level forum, the Indonesian Young Academy of Science (ALMI) and the Executive Office of the President (KSP) conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “Revitalization of Governance in Higher Education and Research” on April 27, 2017. The FGD involved more than 40 participants from key ministries, AIPI, ALMI, management of Indonesia’s top ten university, and the Alliance for Policy Research (ARK-Indonesia). The purposes of the FGD was to map issues of governance in higher education and research, particularly regarding issue on human resources, research infrastructure and funding, and to initiate the establishment of cooperation between ALMI, KSP and related ministries and other stakeholders. (learn more)

KSI Partner Participation in the Congress of Indonesian Women Ulama (Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia)

In the context of Indonesian Islam, the presence of women ulama (clerics) throughout the ages has been one of the strongest characteristics differentiating the face of Islam in Indonesia to other Muslim-majority countries. "Indonesians are too modest to sell and share their great experiences to the world", said well-known Malaysian Sisters in Islam activist Zainah Anwar during the first Female Muslim Clerics Congress/ Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI) on 25-27 April 2017 in Cirebon. KUPI brought together 800 participants from all Indonesian provinces and international participants from 13 countries. KSI was represented by the Alliance for Policy Research Excellence (ARK-Indonesia), including PUSAD Paramadina, PPIM UIN, and Sajogyo Institute. The theme of the congress was “Amplifying Women Ulama’s Voices, Asserting Values of Islam, Nationhood and Humanity. The 4-day event consists of seminars, discussions on the achievements and discussed stumbling blocks on the work of women ulamahood, and shared framework, strategy of action, and experiences from an international, national, and sub-national context. (learn more)

Satu Data Indonesia: Towards Better System and Governance for Successful Development

Satu Data Indonesia (One Data Initiative) is a joint initiative led by KSP (the Executive Office of the President) and Bappenas to develop and strengthen data system, sharing, and governance for achieving optimum development targets. An important component of effective data governance under the One Data Initiative is to have clear and sound regulatory framework. (learn more)

Article 33 teams up with Kemenko PMK in exercising alternative formulation for the Village Fund (Dana Desa)

Community development programmes needs to take the different condition in villages, into account. The Village Funds (Dana Desa) as one of the funding resources for villages is expected to empower villages so that they could utilize their assets for the welfare of the locals and address social and economic gaps within village. Affirmative formulation is needed in reformulating the allocation of Dana Desa. (learn more)

Trainings on Policy Analyst for Middle and Junior Career

Since October 2016, with the support of KSI, PUSAKA LAN has been developing the training module for policy analyst. The training modules consist of several series including: 1) advanced module for senior-career level, 2) special module for middle-career level, 3) beginner module for candidate of policy analyst. (learn more)

SMERU’s Indonesian Poverty and Livelihood Map

One vital prerequisite to integrated efforts to reduce poverty is the availability of poverty data in various dimensions—both monetary and non-monetary—which are accurate and easily accessible by development actors.
Poverty data play a role in the formulation of social protection programs that will help the poor meet their basic needs and get access to food, health and education. For that reason, poverty data at the local level are needed for a program’s geographical targeting, especially data that provide information. (learn more)

KSI Sharing Return to Investment Methodology

As reported in the February Update, KSI has together with KSI partner SurveyMETER tested and presented a new methodology to estimate the return on investment of policy research. After presenting this methodology DFAT, the World Bank’s Social Development team asked KSI (Tanty Djafar and Arnaldo Pellini) to hold a follow-up discussion met with the World Bank Social Development team on 5 April 2017. (learn more)

PSHK participates in Pre-Session Universal Periodic Review on Human Rights, in Geneva on 4-7 April and celebrates the Disability Law

Miko Ginting from KSI partner PSHK – that focusses on human rights and legal reforms – was in April invited as a speaker to a preparatory session of the United Nation’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Human Rights. Miko spoke at the session on the status of three types of fundamental freedoms in Indonesia: freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of belief. (learn more)

Infographic: The Knowledge Sector in Indonesia: Manufacturing Performance

This infographic presents trends in manufactured products (medium-and high-tech) as a share of total manufactured export in Indonesia and compares it to other G20 economies. (download)

Infographic: The Knowledge Sector in Indonesia: Higher Education and R&D Expenditure
This infographic on Higher Education and Research & Development Expenditure shows the trends in the expenditures in higher education and R&D in Indonesia and compares it with other G20 economies. (download)

Working Paper 20: Diverse Strategies for More Sustainable Production of Legal Knowledge: Insights from the Indonesian Centre of Law and Policy Studies (PSHK)
This working paper focuses on the Indonesian Centre of Law and Policy Studies (or Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia) and its three areas of work: legislative reforms, judiciary reforms, and legal education. (download)

Knowledge, Policy, and Power Video Toolkit

KSI and ODI have collaborated to produce a series of online videos on knowledge to policy processes which will be used as training materials, for knowledge sharing and dissemination by different audiences.
Video 1 – “Introduction to knowledge into policy” (view video)
Video 2 – “Types of knowledge used in the policy process” (view video)
Video 3 – “The political context” (view video)
Video 4 – “How groups of people gather and use evidence and knowledge” (view video)
Video 5 – “Knowledge intermediaries” (view video)

For more information, contact KSI Communications








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