Lessons from the Jakarta Meeting - The Exchange (On Think Tanks)

I joined in The Exchange very late. My organization, the Institute for Research and Empowerment, assigned me to replace my fellow researcher, Bambang Hudayana. For one and another reason, he could not continue his participation in the program.

Lessons from the Jakarta Meeting
By Hari- IRE 

I joined in The Exchange very late. My organization, the Institute for Research and Empowerment, assigned me to replace my fellow researcher, Bambang Hudayana. For one and another reason, he could not continue his participation in the program.

My intention of joining the program goes beyond following my organization’s assignment, however. In fact, by participating in The Exchange, I expect to acquire experiences in conducting collaborative research with international think tanks. Producing knowledge for influencing policies and shaping practices needs innovation and breakthrough, and too often, learning from abroad is inevitable. Hence the Exchange is undoubtedly beneficial since its participants can learn from each other in terms of experiences and expertise. Read More.


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