Only in Bahasa Indonesia - Pandemi Covid 19 di Indonesia berdampak pada pola perilaku dan bisnis di Indonesia. Sementara metode 'social distancing' dapat diadaptasi pada sektor bisnis yang mapan melalui mekanisme 'bekerja dari rumah', kelompok masyaraka...
Only in Bahasa Indonesia - Pasca merebaknya pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia, kebijakan pemerintah dalam menanganinya kerap kali menuai beragam respon. Peran Think Tanks selaku produsen pengetahuan menjadi semakin krusial dalam memberikan masukan kebijakan...
In collaboration with The SMERU Research Institute and, the speakers discuss on the policy options during Covid-19 and what roles can be carried out by all actors involved, both in government and outside the government such as the private sector and others, as...
The industrial sector in Indonesia faces a hard blow amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As a contributor to 20% of national GDP, it affects the country economic growth in 2020. Read the summary of KSIxChange # 22 with Bappenas, Ministry of Industry, PT Pan Brothers Tbk, Ribka ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on almost all levels and sectors of humanity, including on the architecture of development cooperation. This pandemic is not only being experienced by recipient countries but also by provider countries in development co...
The COVID-19 Consortium Social Panel is a consortium consisting of deputies in LIPI's Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, Bogor Agriculture Institute, Bandung Institute of Technology, Institute of Statistics, Disaster Journali...
The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) strives to continue its support for the creation of a knowledge and innovation ecosystem to rise up to the challenges in the health sector, stability and economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic
In supporting efforts to tackle the pandemic, Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) encourages partners to play their role to provide an intellectual foundation in the discussion and formulation of public policies.
Efforts to synchronize and reallocate the budget for handling COVID-19 require transparency in order to produce targeted policies. This article is a summary of KSIxChange #25 online discussion.
Perlu ada penyelarasan antara kebutuhan riset yang diinginkan kepada kelompok peneliti dan pengetahuan hasil penelitian sebagai bahan pengambil kebijakan pemerintah. Simak ulasan dari KSIxChange#24.
This online discussion on strengthening the knowledge and innovation ecosystem in Indonesia, to overcome obstacles to the knowledge and innovation system in an effective way and to look at the good practices of other countries.
Mempertemukan ide penelitian dari peneliti Indonesia dengan peneliti diaspora untuk pengembangan proposal “Program Skema Kolaborasi Riset-Inovasi Diaspora Indonesia". Berfokus pada penelitian sosial mengenai penanganan masalah ekonomi setelah pandemi berakhir.