This Commentaries outlines some deep challenges that Indonesia is currently facing in dealing with the pandemic Covid-19. The author suggests four points to ponder in effectively dealing with the pandemic, ranging from local and international resource mobilizations. Whi...
Department of International Relations CSIS Indonesia held a live stream public webinar: Indonesia-Korea Cooperation in Dealing with COVID-19 - Lessons from Both Countries.
Tulisan ini menekankan adanya kebutuhan untuk dapat mengukur situasi pada masa transisi, bukan hanya pada aspek kesehatan dan penyebaran COVID-19, tetapi juga situasi ekonomi, dengan melihat beberapa indikator cepat untuk keduanya.
As of April 23, Indonesia has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in Southeast Asia with 635. The number continues to grow despite the government changing task in addressing its unpreparedness from about a month ago. On March 13th, Indonesia established the Task Force...
Tulisan ini ingin mendiskusikan ‘konteks’ yang mendasari perilaku manusia sebagai akibat dari ‘kekuatan’ (power) dari pengetahuan yang diinternalisasikannya. Konteks dalam ini hal ini tidak saja berbicara mengenai substansi dari pengetahuan tetapi juga kultur da...
Memasuki akhir bulan kedua dari babak COVID-19 di Indonesia, berbagai strategi sudah diambil dengan harapan menghentikan penyebaran wabah tersebut di dalam negeri. Oleh sebabnya itu penting untuk mengukur kinerja penanganan COVID-19 secara berkala dalam rangka memastika...
The story of Malaysia’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic thus far is not only an interesting one. It should also be a point of reference to other countries in Southeast Asia which are undergoing this gravest crisis in our time. Once hailed as Southeast Asia’s pan...
To be clear, COVID-19 is first and foremost a public health and humanitarian crisis. The economic impact, however, is devastating. From Johannesburg to Jakarta, images of empty streets in otherwise bustling metropolises are vivid reminders that the solution to this pand...
The author argues that pandemic diseases should become a national security issue, necessitating policymaking above politics and to ensure the livelihood of the public. While ‘securitizing’ an issue might seem extreme as opposed to establishing measures through tradi...
Pergerakan penduduk antar daerah merupakan faktor risiko penyebaran COVID-19. Dalam konteks Jakarta sebagai episentrum penyebaran COVID-19, penting untuk menganalisis mobilitas penduduk dari beberapa kota-kota yang mengimpitnya. Penulis memanfaatkan data Facebook Diseas...
Para ahli telah memiliki nama untuk masa yang menandai degradasi lingkungan yang disertai peningkatan suhu bumi akibat kegiatan manusia di atas permukaan bumi: Anthropocene. COVID-19 di sisi lain adalah pandemi yang hanya mungkin terjadi pada masa Anthropocene, di mana ...
Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) Respondent
H.E. Sidharto Suryodipuro, Ambassador of Indonesia to India & Bhutan
East Asia and the Pacific in the Time of COVID-19: World Bank Regional Economic Update with:
* Prof. Mari Pangestu, World Bank Managing Director, Development Policy and Partnerships
* Dr. Aaditya Matto, World Bank Chief Economist, East Asia & P...
* Prof. Chen Dongxiao, President Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS)
* Dr. Pan Hao, Director Department of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Pre...
India has been on a nation-wide lockdown since March 24 as a preventive measure against COVID19. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the measure on March 24 at 8 PM, he only gave the country about four hours to prepare. The lockdown restricts 1.3 billion people
CSIS Commentaries
Three months after the outbreak began, it is easy to see the COVID-19 pandemic for what it is: a human tragedy that constitutes the most severe blow to the global economy since the Second World War. It has swiftly overwhelmed the health systems of all nations—develope...