Selama 6 minggu pasca diumumkannya penderita Covid-19, Forum Manajemen Covid-19 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan FK-KMK UGM telah menyelenggarakan lebih dari 70 webinar dan kursus singkat. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting dalam konteks Pros...
An online discussion streamed live on Kanal FK UGM.
As COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have been increasing remarkably, Jakarta metropolitan area holds an important key role in addressing the pandemic. The availability of hospitals and healthcare facilities in the area will indicate the number of upcoming patients that the c...
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is expected to infect millions of people all over the world. The economic impact is expected to be large and can lead to a global recession. Millions of people will be pushed into poverty. In this paper, we estimate the impact of ...
Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) Respondent
H.E. Sidharto Suryodipuro, Ambassador of Indonesia to India & Bhutan
* Prof. Chen Dongxiao, President Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS)
* Dr. Pan Hao, Director Department of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Pre...
Prof. Gil H. Park serves as Associate Professor at the College of Public Affairs, Daegu University, researching development and environmental economics, smart city, and urban disaster management. He also leads the Regional Economy and Policy Institute that publishes Reg...
Tikki joined the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy after 13 years at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland as Director of its Research Policy & Cooperation department. In this capacity he worked with countries to strengthen their national health ...
Data kualitatif Studi Sosial COVID-19 serta materi dan video webinar dapat diunduh melalui tautan yang tersedia.
Keterbukaan informasi pasien positif COVID-19 masih menjadi pro dan kontra. Informasi tersebut semula dianggap menganggu privasi pasien dan berpotensi menimbulkan diskriminasi pada pasien. Namun seiring melonjaknya jumlah pasien positif, informasi tersebut dirasa perlu...
COVID-19 pandemics had caused an uproar in all countries throughout the world. One of the challenges that had risen is to ensure fair and equitable services to the vulnerable population during the COVID-19 crisis. The webinar held this time had invited three panelists t...