Severity: 8192
Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; MY_Lang has a deprecated constructor
Filename: core/MY_Lang.php
Line Number: 16
In the lead up to the 2019 Indonesia Development Forum (IDF), the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency has held Road to IDF events in Batam and Semarang. These events aim to capture ideas and initiatives to address Indonesia’s development challenges, relevant to the theme of IDF 2019, “Mission Possible: Seizing the Opportunities of Future Work to Drive Inclusive Growth”
Batam: Vocational Education, Digital Potential and Trade
The first public discussion was held in Batam on 21 February 2019, and was opened by Expert Staff for Equity and Regional Development from the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, Oktorialdi. “Batam has great potential as a hub for the digital start-ups of the future, in line with the government’s Making Indonesia 4.0 initiative. To get there, we need to promote economic growth by creating a supportive and inclusive investment climate to foster increased job creation. More importantly, we need to have strong human resources to continue to compete at the national and global level,” he explained.
Located on an international shipping route, Batam has grown into an investment and commercial hub, with capital investment from domestic investors as well as international investors from China, India, Malaysia, South Korea, Hongkong, South Africa, Bangladesh and Netherlands. New industries have emerged as investment has poured in. According to, in 2018 the investment value of the Riau Islands – most of which are part of Batam – was estimated to be Rp 69.59 trillion, an increase of 8.63 percent from 2017. This skyrocketing investment was partly due to more convenient licensing through the Public Service Mall located at the Gedung Sumatera Convention Centre.
Over 60 people attended the discussion in Batam, including participants from national ministries and government agencies, local governments, civil society organizations, researchers, university representatives, development partners, and the media. The discussion focused on three sub-themes: reforming the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system for future jobs; improving the investment climate for job creation; and fostering social entrepreneurship. These sub-themes were chosen to reflect Batam City’s strategic position as a manufacturing hub in Indonesia.
Key speakers at the event included Tri Wahyu Rubianto from the Batam City Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency, Tjaw Hioeng from Batamindo Investment Cakrawala, Director of the Batam State Polytechnic, Priyono Eko Sanyoto, and Founder of the Cinderella From Indonesia Center, Lusia Kiroyan.
For further information visit Bappenas and Indonesia Development Forum 2019
Semarang: Quality and Productivity of Human Resources
IDF also visited Semarang City on 21 March 2019 for the second Road to IDF event. Semarang is seen as a future business hub for Central Java that needs to continue to improve the quality and productivity of its human resources.
“We see education as the key ammunition to prepare future workers to face the fourth industrial revolution. Reforming the vocational education system to help develop human resources needs to be a top priority”, said Expert Staff for Equity and Regional Development from the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, Oktorialdi, during his opening speech.
The government of Central Java is focused on job training and professional certification to address unemployment. The Central Java Professional Certification Coordination Agency (BKSP) is trying to ensure that there are enough Profession Certification Organizations (LSP) in Central Java to fulfill the needs of the labor force. The Central Java Provincial Government’s overall strategy targets labor intensive industries. In addition to the garment industry, the furniture industry also requires a large number of workers.
Pemerintah Jawa Tengah fokus pada pelatihan kerja dan sertifikasi profesi untuk mengatasi pengangguran terbuka. Badan Koordinasi Sertifikasi Profesi (BKSP) Jawa Tengah berupaya memastikan keberadaan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) di Jateng semakin lengkap sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja. Secara keseluruhan, Pemprov Jawa Tengah lebih menyasar ke industri padat karya. Selain garmen, industri lain yang membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja adalah funitur.
Over 100 participants attended the event, including national ministries and government agencies, local governments, civil society organizations, researchers, university representatives, development partners as well as members of the public.
Given the rapid developments in education and Semarang’s position as an emerging economic centre over the last decade, the discussion focused on four sub-themes: accelerating structural transformation, reforming the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system for future jobs, creating inclusive employment opportunities, and fostering social entrepreneurship.
A number of resource persons were present to discuss these four sub-themes, including: (1) Director of Macro Planning and Statistics Analysis, Eka Chandra Buana; (2) Professor of Semarang University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kesi Widjajanti; (3) General Manager of PT Sandang Asia Maju Abadi, Dedi Mulyadi; (4) Head of Mata Air Community, NgadipuroImam Abdul Rofiq; (5) Head of BKSP Central Java, Hertoto Basuki; (6) Team Leader of Ready-to-Work Accelerator Program (RWAP), Toto Purwanto; and (7) Senior Advisor of SED-TVET Project GIZ, Rudy Djumali.
For further information see Indonesia Development Forum 2019
IDF is an annual forum held by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency and supported by the Government of Australia through the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).