Lockdown policies are having significant impacts on 1.6 billion informal workers worldwide. The different effects of Covid-19 responses on informal and formal sector workers is a massive issue for Indonesia, where more than half of the workforce works in the informal se...
Has the military’s role in countering the pandemic altered the balance of civil-military relations? Dr Dave McRae explores this issue and more with Dr Evan Laksmana in Talking Indonesia.
What did ‘large scale social distancing’ (PSBB) look like in Indonesia’s cities? As public space opens up again, how will Indonesia’s urban dwellers respond? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Dr Amanda Achmadi in this podcast.
Can Indonesia hold elections for regional heads in December without leading to a spike in Covid-19 infections, or opening the floodgates to vote buying? Dr Mada Sukmajati examines the risks.
In Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Dirk Tomsa chats to Associate Professor Sharyn Graham Davies, Najmah, and Yeni about the community initiatives attempting to control the spread of coronavirus.
What impact has the Covid-19 pandemic had on mental health in Indonesia? In a special ‘Policy in Focus’ episode of Talking Indonesia, Dr Dave McRae speaks to Dr Wayan Suriastini about a recent survey on anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 crisis.
Why are Indonesia’s case numbers of Covid-19 lower than early modelling predicted? Is testing adequate? What does the future hold, now that restrictions are being lifted? Dr Jemma Purdey discusses these issues and more with Dr Pandu Riono in Talking Indonesia.
Freelance workers in the creative industry are already vulnerable to exploitation. Fathimah Fildzah Izzati writes that many are suffering because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the government has shown little interest in helping them.
What can Indonesia do to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 while also minimising the damage to the economy? Dr Charlotte Setijadi discusses this and more with Dr Puspa Delima Amri in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
What explains the vastly different tone in foreign and Indonesian reporting on the Indonesian government’s response to Covid-19? Dr Dirk Tomsa explores the issue with two journalists, Febriana Firdaus and Max Walden.
The annual mass exodus that occurs at the end of Ramadan could be disastrous for the spread of Covid-19. Dimas Budi Prasetyo and Lury Sofyan that if the government had provided clear and direct messaging, more Indonesians might have changed their behaviour.
Political and business elites are exploiting the Covid-19 crisis to further increase their power and material resources, write Rafiqa Qurrata A’yun and Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir.
Dissatisfied with the official response to Covid-19, a group of business workers are pursuing a class action lawsuit against the government. The case shows the public are willing to hold those in power accountable, writes Laras Susanti.
As the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic begin to take their toll on Indonesia’s poor and vulnerable, what is the government doing to assist these groups? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Athia Yumna in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Muhammad Afif Qoyim writes that social restrictions are having profound social and economic consequences for poor and marginalised residents of Jakarta, such as the fishing community of Kali Adem.
Constant reporting on the potential for “disaster” has failed to acknowledge that many of the factors that amplify the risks of Covid-19 for the Indonesian population are structural, writes Associate Professor Linda Rae Bennett.
Policy in Focus. Islamic boarding schools are among the worst affected by the pandemic, writes Professor Jamhari Makruf.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has been conspicuously absent from efforts to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr Daniel Peterson looks at what he has been up to.
Balawyn Jones writes that as the Covid-19 pandemic intensifies in Indonesia, domestic violence is emerging as a parallel public health crisis.
It is overly simplistic to label those who defy recommendations on physical distancing to worship at mosques, churches and temples as radicals or extremists, writes Dr Nadirsyah Hosen.