Political and business elites are exploiting the Covid-19 crisis to further increase their power and material resources, write Rafiqa Qurrata A’yun and Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir.
Dissatisfied with the official response to Covid-19, a group of business workers are pursuing a class action lawsuit against the government. The case shows the public are willing to hold those in power accountable, writes Laras Susanti.
Constant reporting on the potential for “disaster” has failed to acknowledge that many of the factors that amplify the risks of Covid-19 for the Indonesian population are structural, writes Associate Professor Linda Rae Bennett.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has been conspicuously absent from efforts to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr Daniel Peterson looks at what he has been up to.
Balawyn Jones writes that as the Covid-19 pandemic intensifies in Indonesia, domestic violence is emerging as a parallel public health crisis.
What considerations have informed the government’s response to Covid-19? What challenges does it face, and does the crisis threaten the government’s legitimacy? Dr Dave McRae chats to President Joko Widodo’s former deputy chief of staff Dr Yanuar Nugroho.
Indonesia’s Defense Ministry has been recently active in channeling plenty of medical assistance from China to enhance the country’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The growing defense ties should be situated within the broader historical and policy context, espe...
Why has the Indonesian response to Covid-19 been so ineffective? How can disagreements over its management be resolved? Dr Dirk Tomsa discusses these issues and more with Dr Riris Andono Ahmad in Talking Indonesia.
Scholars have said China had an “authoritarian advantage” in responding to SARS in 2002-2003. But Robertus Robet writes that in the case of Covid-19, there appears to be no such advantage.
Calls are growing for the government to ban the post-Ramadan exodus to the regions (mudik) to prevent further spread of Covid-19. But as Dr Belinda Spagnoletti writes, mudik is also an important safety net for those living in precarity.
Sejak pemerintah mengumumkan kasus pertama COVID-19 di Indonesia pada 2 Maret 2020, penularan penyakit ini terus meningkat. Kondisi ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran berbagai pihak dan memaksa masyarakat beradaptasi. Apa saja strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan masyarakat?
Catatan kebijakan ini merekomendasikan agar UU Penanggulangan Bencana direvisi dengan tiga strategi perbaikan untuk membangun sistem penanggulangan bencana yang lebih adaptif.
History records that the quarantine method has been used to deal with epidemics from then until today. Containing epidemic outbreaks then and today means “locking sick people up”, regardless of their disease, whether of the mind or the body.
Only available in Bahasa IndonesiaAspek riset sosial-budaya serta ekonomi lokal mempengaruhi efektivitas kebijakan negara dalam penanganan pandemi Covid-19.
In supporting efforts to tackle the pandemic, Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) encourages partners to play their role to provide an intellectual foundation in the discussion and formulation of public policies.
Tidak kurang dari 200 negara di dunia saat ini sedang bertarung menghadapi pandemi COVID-19. Keterbukaan, kecepatan, dan ketepatan informasi, sinergitas antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah, bahkan sinergitas antar negara amat diperlukan dalam menanggulangi wabah.
Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) menciptakan wearable device yang berfungsi untuk memantau keberadaan individu yang terkonfirmasi positif, suspek, ataupun kontak erat.
How does a public health crisis like COVID-19 fit inside the relationship between democracy and the economy?
Situasi pademi COVID-19 telah mendorong banyak negara menggunakan teknologi untuk melakukan pemantauan (surveillance) terhadap warganya. Tanpa kejelasan prosedur dan aturan yang memadai, penggunaan teknologi pemantaun ini berisiko disalahgunakan.
Pandemi global kali ini diduga berpotensi mengganggu jaring pengaman keuangan di sejumlah wilayah. Barangkali, ini adalah momen yang tepat untuk memperkuat koordinasi kebijakan moneter internasional.