Endowment Fund Policy Review: A View of Funding & Institutional Governance

(only available in Bahasa Indonesia) 

Entering the Industrial 4.0 era and competition towards the world's strongest economy, Indonesia is faced with severe opportunities and challenges, especially in optimizing demographic bonuses and the use of innovation and technology to enhance the nation's competitiveness. In the context of developing science and technology, the government has a commitment to build a better research ecosystem through various policies and regulations as well as funding.

This Policy Review was prepared by the Knowledge Sector Initiative in response to a request from the Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan. This review aim to provide insights to the government and stakeholders related to funding and institutional governance of research endowments. Various experiences from several developed and developing countries show that a dynamic research ecosystem enables the development of ideas and collaboration between individual researchers and research institutions.

The ideal research and innovation ecosystem is an ecosystem that supports stakeholders (government, private, tertiary institutions/research institutions, capital providers, and contacts) to collaborate in optimizing human resources, technology, culture, norms and values ​​that are needed for research and development. Within these ecosystems, funding governance also plays an important role as an incentive instrument to encourage collaborative research and synergies between research actors.

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