KPP Video Toolkit: Video 1 – Introduction to Knowledge into Policy

The first of five videos in the series. An introduction to get you thinking about knowledge and the policy process.

This is the first of five videos in the series. This video introduces the series and what it will cover. It includes a short exercise to get you thinking about knowledge and the policy process.

Further reading on knowledge, policy and power framework:

Jones, N., Shaxson, L., and Walker, D. (2013) ‘Knowledge, policy and power in international development: a practical framework for improving policy’, Background Note, Overseas Development Institute, January, [online] Available:

Jones, H., Jones, N., Shaxson, L., and Walker, D. (2012) ‘Providing practical guidance for in-country programming: the value of analysing knowledge, policy and power’, Back Ground Note, Overseas Development Institute, December, [online] Available:

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