KSIxChange#34: Knowledge Collaboration Between Litbangjirap and Think Tanks in Social Science and Humanities
Registration: bit.ly/ksixchange34
In accordance with the mandate of the National Science and Technology Law, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) will carry out the integration of research, development, study, and application (Litbangjirap). Litbangjirap institutions as government think tanks have the main task of formulating on how knowledge drawn from policy research produces evidence-based policy recommendations.
To develop a research powerhouse and create a research and innovation ecosystem, knowledge collaboration between Litbangjirap and research institutions/think tanks outside the government is required, as well as a better research network both national and international level. This discussion will examine the importance of encouraging more collaboration between government and non-government policy research institutions to promote evidence-based policy formulation and the development of strategic innovations.
Keynote Speaker: Dr Laksana Tri Handoko, Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Moderator: Dr Iskhak Fatonie, Knowledge Sector Senior Coordinator at Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI
- Prof Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti, Deputy for Social Sciences and Humanities at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
- Dr Medelina K Hendytio, Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- Dina Mariana, Deputy of Civil Society Development in Socio-Cultural Sector at Institute for Research and Empowerment (IRE)
Livestream: The Conversation Indonesia YouTube channel
#InisiatifPengetahuan #KSIxChange
1. This event will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia
2. Sign Language in Bahasa and Simultaneous Interpreter will be provided
3. Please join 15 minutes prior before the event schedule.