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KSIxChange#30: The Role of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPO) in the Development Post COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is a momentum to evaluate both quality and capacity on the social protection policies outcome, specifically on disability-related policies. A progress has been made by the government to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) in the policymaking process through the establishment of The Disability National Commission (Komisi Nasional Disabilitas/KND)
However, the severity of socio-economic situation impacted the welfare of PwD during the pandemic time highlights the need for revitalizing the DPO’s role as a grassroots organization that has the crucial role in supporting PwD. The DPO can potentially channel the long-standing gap between PwD with policymakers, especially when it is related to PwD needs. This mechanism may help to guarantee the representation of PwD in the policymaking process which is intended to be more inclusive and with the right targeting to empower PwD.
Opening Remarks: Vivi Yulaswati, Expert Staffs of The Ministry of The National Development Planning for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction
Moderator: Fajfri Nursyamsi, Director of Advocacy and Networking, PSHK Indonesia
- Abdul Rahman, Executive Director on Yayasan PerDIK
- Antoni Tsaputra, Research & Development Analyst, Development Planning Agency Padang City.
- Desty Endah Nurmalasari, Beneficiaries of YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre
- Fatum Ade, Deputy Director on SAPDA
- Maulani A Rotinsulu, Head of HWDI
- 6. Nuning Suryaningsih, Head of Yayasan CIQAL
Livestream; Asumsi YouTube channel
#InisiatifPengetahuan #KSIxChange
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2. Sign Language and closed caption in Bahasa will be provided
3. Please join 15 minutes prior before the event schedule.