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KSIxChange#25: Challenges of Budget Transparency and Synchronization of Fiscal Policies in Overcoming COVID-19 in Indonesia
The rapid spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia requires the government to be responsive in maintaining the stability of the national economy and providing financial assistance to the most affected community groups. However, the only tactical policy is not enough. The government is also expected to provide access to the public regarding transparency and budget reallocation during this pandemic. In addition, synchronization of fiscal policy is also needed to ensure the sustainability of implementation at various levels of government in responding to COVID-19. Not only during the pandemic, but efforts of public participation in monitoring budget transparency and the performance of fiscal policies are also expected to be sustainable in the future.
Moderator: Maharani Putri S.W, Open Government Indonesia
- Misbah Hasan, Sekretaris Jenderal, Forum Indonesia Untuk Transparansi Anggaran (SEKNAS FITRA)
- Taufik Hanafi, Deputi Bidang Pemantauan, Evaluasi, dan Pengendalian Pembangunan, Bappenas
- Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha, Staf Ahli Bidang Pengeluaran Negara, Kementerian Keuangan
- Anna Winoto, Team Leader, Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan Kesejahteraaan (KOMPAK)
- Ubaidi Socheh Hamidi, Kepala Pusat Kebijakan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara, Badan Kebijakan Fiskal
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