KPP Video Toolkit: Video 5 – Knowledge Intermediaries

The last video in this series. This video is about knowledge intermediaries: the people or organizations who work at the boundary between knowledge and policy.

The last video in this series. This video is about knowledge intermediaries: the people or organizations who work at the boundary between knowledge and policy. If you can work out who they are, what roles they can play in influencing change, and how to engage with them, you can build effective partnerships that bring in complimentary skills.

Further reading:

UNU-INWEH., The World Bank., and ODI. (2012) ‘Expanding our understanding of K* (KT, KE, KTT, KMb, KB, KM, etc.) a concept paper emerging from the K* conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada’, April, [online] Available:

Fisher, C. and Vogel, I. (2008) ‘FiLocating the power of in-between: How research brokers and intermediaries support evidence-based pro-poor policy and practice - draft’, June, [online] Available:

Wolfe, R. (2006) ‘Changing conceptions of intermediaries in development processes: Challenging the modernist view of knowledge, communication and social change’, October, [online] Available:

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