The Surabaya trip is the fourth visit to subnational government for socialization for the functional position of policy analyst (Jabatan Fungsional Analis Kebijakan_JFAK) organized and funded by PUSAKA, National Institute of Public Administration (Lembaga Administrasi Negara_LAN). Before Surabaya, LAN has visited three other provinces including Bali, Lampung, and Palembang, South Sumatera Provinces. They plan to finalise the socialization visit by 6-8 October 2016 to Manado, North Sulawesi.
Some notes from the meetings in Surabaya:
- Day one. The consolidation meeting took place at Regional Civil Service Board (Badan Kepegawaian Daerah) and attended by head of BKN and other staff. The meeting intended as a courtesy visit and to prepare the socialization meeting that will be held on the second day.
- Day two. The socialization meeting conducted in BKD aula and attended by more than 80 people from East Java provincial offices and other district/city government offices (SKPDs). The representative from BKN opened the meeting whilst two resource persons from LAN presented the background of JFAK (legal basis,planning, recruitment, development, and assessment of JFAK).
In these discussions, there were some findings from the discussion process, among others, including:1.
The participants questioned about the leading sector (SKPDs) for JFAK at local level (province and district administration). There is no clear information has given by LAN to the participants, thus they said that tentatively the BKD will be in charge with the Jabatan Fungsional Analis Kebijakan (JFAK);
- Like in national level, the provincial and district government officers asked about the status of number of credit (angka kredit) for this functional position and questioned about the additional incentive (tunjangan kinerja) through President Regulation or Perpres;
- Potential overlap and contradict between the expert staff (staf ahli) and policy analyst portfolio (role and functions);
- Budget for training. LAN will only provide the budget (APBN) for policy analyst training whilst the proposed candidate from local people should cover the transportation and accommodation during the training;
- There is no level of training for policy analyst. The beginner (pratama) for policy analyst is obliged to attend the training; and
- Most of participant asked how to propose the candidate from local level to be future policy analyst. LAN said that it depends on job mapping or peta jabatan in each SKPDs.
By the end of socialization, LAN gave all participants the form for proposing the JFAK
to be filled in for subnational governments (need assessment, etc.). After the socialization, LAN and KSI had a meeting to discuss about the technical issues for the meeting in Yogyakarta on 20-22 October 2016 and Bangkok visit.
In general, as new functional positions in Indonesia Government Structure emerge, the event of socialization became critical. The role and functions of the functional position of policy analyst enable to minimize the barriers to a healthy knowledge sector i.e. policy makers have strong policy analysis and research synthesis skills, strong quality research analysis, etc.