Building on existing research and networks, KSI partners strengthened their policy influence and advocacy efforts through the establishment of the Forum Kajian Desa (Village Research Forum). The first knowledge exchange was held on 23 November with eight KSI partners and the newly appointed Director for Village, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration at Bappenas, Mr Sumedi Andono Mulyo. Bappenas is currently collecting evidence for a long-term vision of ‘Transformasi Desa’ (village transformation) and requested input, ideas and comments from the FKD members. Each policy research institute briefly showcased their research on issues related to the implementation of the Village Law. At the national level, it was noted that there is yet to be a common understanding between all stakeholders on village issues – different stakeholders (government, village communities and civil society) have a different understanding and interpretation of the Village Law. At the community level, village governments are burdened with administrative matters rather than doing community development. The Director of Bappenas hopes the discussion/knowledge sharing on village issues can become regular. The workshop was attended by the newly appointed head of the Centre for Policy Analysis (PAK), Mr Onny Noyorono, who appreciated the discussion forum and would like to expand collaboration with KSI policy research institutes for policy analysis and strengthening knowledge exchange between researchers and policy makers.