The Research Excellence Alliance consists of KSI’s 16 policy research institutes (PRIs) and was established in Linggarjati in September 2016 to strengthen partners’ collective capacity and their research products (see KSI Update, September 2016). The Alliance’s goal in relation to KSI is to establish collective action to support systemic changes in knowledge production for policy. The Alliance will measure achievement through two major milestones: (i) The forming of epistemic communities that are equipped with a credible stock of knowledge, public access to data, highly qualified research and standardised-valued strategic funding; and (ii) Interaction with external stakeholders, such as policy makers and media, to adopt knowledge produced by the Alliance.
Members of the Alliance met in Jakarta on 7-8 February to formulate the program. Participants identified their assets that could contribute to the collective action, including networks, sectoral knowledge, practices of credible research standards and tools related to issues of religious-based violence, violation of human rights, and budgeting and democracy indexing. For the next quarter, activities include peer review, knowledge sharing, training, communication media, and repository and data regulation.