Development of Policy Analyst Functional Position

Since the inauguration of the board members of Asosiasi Analis Kebijakan Indonesia (AAKI) (Indonesia Policy Analyst Association) in December 2016, KSI has continued to support the capacity of this new professional organisation. Considering...

by Iskhak Fatonie

Since the inauguration of the board members of Asosiasi Analis Kebijakan Indonesia (AAKI) (Indonesian Policy Analyst Association) in December 2016, KSI has continued to support the capacity of this new professional organisation. Considering the importance of policy analyst functional positions, AAKI wishes to become a hub for knowledge producers and intermediaries, such as the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) at ministries and local governments, policy analyst units at ministries, NGOs and CSOs, and research and development units in the private sector and at universities.

On 17-18 March 2017, KSI supported the AAKI to hold a strategic planning meeting in Sentul, Bogor. The objective was to formulate a three-year road map with milestones, quick-wins and champions. KSI staffer Arnaldo Pellini told participants about the role of policy analysts from an international perspective.

Recommendations suggested including allowing policy analysts from non-government organisations in AAKI; producing regular policy briefs on strategic issues; planning a national certification programme; partnering with other institutions such as Balitbang, CSOs, NGOs and universities; and establishing knowledge hubs among knowledge producers and policy makers in selected government agencies.

To further strengthen the association and policy analysis, since early 2017 the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN) and KSI have collaborated with the University of Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta), the University of Diponegoro (Semarang), and the University of Indonesia (Jakarta). With a forecast that by 2019 the number of policy analysts may reach 6,000 officials from ministries and local governments, and considering the limited capacity of LAN to organise the trainings and courses, LAN is seeking a potential collaboration with universities and other institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between LAN and the three universities was signed during a public seminar at the University of Semarang on 24 March.

“...This MoU has been an initial agreement between LAN and universities to support the capacity of the policy analyst functional position. Due to the capacity, LAN could not solely conduct the policy analyst trainings; it is therefore inevitable that we seek the cooperation of some prominent universities and other institutions. The role of policy analyst will ultimately improve the quality of evidence-based policy making processes in Indonesia….”

Adi Suryanto, Chairman of National Institute of Public Administration, LAN.

Participants and speakers at the seminar agreed that the role of policy analyst would become increasingly important in Indonesia’s bureaucracy to improve evidence-based policy-making processes, particularly at the local level. This activity was part of KSI’s commitment to facilitate improved interaction between knowledge users and producers for better policy making in Indonesia. This kind of facilitation is expected to lead to shared understanding and coalition building, to achieve a healthy knowledge sector. In particular, it will strengthen the capacity of the policy analyst role. 


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