by Utama Sandjaja
On 30-31 March in Bogor, KSI supported an international workshop on developing an inclusive growth index for Indonesia aimed to build a richer, more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of growth. The event was initiated by the Directorate of Macroeconomic Planning and Statistical Analysis, the Deputy of Economic Affairs, Bappenas. Bappenas, attempted to broaden and deepen the model of economic growth. Traditionally, economic growth has always considered income as the major variable of predicting growth. The prposed inclusive growth model looks at growth from a multidimensional approach by including income and non-income variables, as well as the process and outcome of growth. With such a complex modelling, it is hoped that an inclusive growth model can portray more accurately Indonesia’s development so that the Government can formulate better and more effective development policies.
As a knowledge-sharing event, this workshop convened various international and national experts in economics to discuss the concept and model of inclusive growth. International experts were represented by Professor Terry McKinley, the Director of the Centre for Development Policy and Research, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and Kensuke Tanaka, the Head of the Asia Desk, OECD Development Centre.
National experts who participated included Teguh Dartanto, the Head of the Poverty and Social Protection Research Group, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Asep Suhardayadi, the Head of SMERU Research Institute, Arief Anshory Yusuf, the Head of the SDG Centre, University of Padjajaran, Dyah Hapsari Amalina, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, and Iswadi, the Head of the Statistical Analysis Sub-directorate, Central Bureau of Statistics. A number of Bappenas’s own experts attended the workshop, including Amalia A. Widyasanti, the Director of Macroeconomic Planning and Statistical Analysis, Vivi Yulaswati, the Director of Poverty Reduction and Social Welfare, and Haryanto, a staff member at the Macroeconomic Planning and Statistical Analysis Directorate.
Such diverse experts brought together perspectives and knowledge on inclusive growth to provide inputs to the Bappenas plan to conduct an in-depth study of an inclusive growth model. This is to formulate an inclusive growth index and model as a strategy to overcome inequality and disadvantages in economic growth.