Launch of Annotation of Law No. 30/2014 on Government Administration or Undang-Undang tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan

Asman Abnur, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform (Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, MenPANRB) officially launched the Annotation of UU Administrasi Pemerintahan (UU AP) accompanied by Maya Rostanty, Executive Director of PATTIRO, Prof Eko Prasojo, Executive Director of UICSGAR, Rini Widyantini, Deputy to MenPANRB and Petrarca Karetji, KSI Team Leader.

“Bureaucracy Reform is the government priority of President Joko Widodo’s administration as indicated in the Nawa Cita and RPJMN 2015-2019. The Law No. 30/2014 on Government Administration (UU AP) is part of the bureaucracy reform agenda that promotes good governance and other public administration matters. I really appreciate this annotation of UU AP to help the policy makers in evidence-based policy making, that should be in line with the good governance principles (Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Baik).”

Asman Abnur, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform (KemenPAN-RB)


By Ishkak Fathonie

Since 2016, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform, with the support of the University of Indonesia Centre for the Study of Governance and Administrative Reform (UI-CSGAR), PATTIRO and KSI, has been working to produce the annotation of the Law No. 30/2014 on Government Administration or Undang-Undang tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan, UU AP. To date, there are only two laws (Law No. 6/2014 on Village and the UU AP) for which the formulation process (academic papers, debates, deliberative approaches, expert opinions, legislative and executive positions, etc.) has been documented in a proper annotation.

The launch of the annotation of UU ASN took place on Tuesday 9 May 2017 with the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform delivering the keynote speech and officially launching the annotation. The executive director of UI-CSGAR, PATTIRO and the KSI team leader also delivered speeches.

Prof Eko Prasojo from UICSGAR said that the UU AP had a very long history, as the deliberation process in the internal government took eight years. It was then deliberated on in Parliament for another two years. This annotation is very important for policy makers to understand the solid process of policy making. Ms Maya Rostanty from PATTIRO noted that the UU AP has three crucial rationales: to improve public service delivery, to strengthen the capacity of the community for inclusive participation in policy-making processes, and to develop a model of good local governance. Petrarca Karetji from KSI noted that the UU AP was enacted to build trust between citizens and the state. The annotation could be seen as a main reference and evidence for policy makers to execute their activities in line with government administration matters. The launch and national seminar was attended by more than 100 government officials, some of senior executive service level (Echelon 1), from several ministries and local governments in Indonesia.



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