On Tuesday 29 January 2019, the Ministry for Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) launched the 2019 Indonesia Development Forum. This is the third Indonesia Development Forum hosted by Bappenas with the support of the Australian Government through the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).
“This year’s IDF will focus on strategies to create jobs, increase productivity, and ensure that all Indonesians have access to decent jobs and other economic opportunities,” said Bambang Brodjonegoro, the Head of Bappenas, at the launch. The theme for 2019 is “Mission Possible: Seizing the Opportunities of Future Work to Drive Inclusive Growth.” It will be held on 22-23 July.
Key topics include: accelerating structural transformation; reforming the vocational education and training system for future jobs; creating inclusive employment opportunities; improving the investment climate for employment creation; developing globally competitive micro, small, and medium enterprises; fostering social enterprises; developing local talent and local markets; and improving the quality of human capital.
Minister Bambang stated that the issue of employment was chosen as the theme because it is closely connected to inclusive and sustainable development. Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus, he said. This, combined with rapid technological change that is disrupting how businesses operate across all industries, means that Indonesia needs to think about the future capacity of its workforce.
Australia’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan, said that Indonesia needs to consider appropriate policies to create new jobs and increase productivity and workforce capacity. IDF 2019 will help promote evidence-informed approaches to these issues.
“Australia is pleased to support Indonesia’s efforts to introduce reforms for greater labor flexibility to enable Indonesia to become more competitive and keep pace with changing global work patterns,” the Ambassador said.
Mr. Quinlan said that Australia faced its own employment challenges and that Indonesia and Australia could learn from each other.
KSI is supporting inclusive growth in Indonesia by promoting the use of evidence in policymaking. KSI aims to address the barriers to using quality data and evidence to inform policy. The program focuses on three areas: more effective communication of research; more funding for research and more effective spending of these funds; and better management, availability and accessibility of data and information.
2019 IDF will highlight research, smart practices, and lessons learned, from the grassroots to the national level, as well as international experiences.
Minister Bambang thanked the Government of Australia and KSI for their support for IDF over the last three years. “We hope that IDF produces practical recommendations to help inform the national planning process, including the development of an employment roadmap,” concluded Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro.