The challenge of “evidence based policy” confronts governments across the world. Does research lead to good
policy and to good governance, or do too many other factors such as political demands and constraints on
innovation get in the way? Indonesia has been strengthening its capacity in policy analysis and research in
the new era of public sector reform. This panel is intended to contribute to that discussion, drawing on
international experience and on Indonesian examples of social protection design and evaluation.
Professor Mark Considine is Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of
Arts at the University of Melbourne. He is one of Australia’s most respected public policy
specialists, with expertise in policy design, new public management, policy networks and
innovation; his recent research has focused on the challenges of policy development and
governance in the field of human development. He was guest editor of a special issue
(2014) of Social Policy and Administration entitled “Markets and the new welfare state”
and his most recent book (with Kamran Ali Afzal) is Democratic Accountability and
International Human Development (2014). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social
Sciences of Australia and the Institute of Public Administration Australia, and he has been
an advisor to state and federal governments.
Dr. Asep Suryahadi has been Director of the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta since
2009. His postgraduate research in economics was at the Pennsylvania State University and
Australian National University. He has led major research evaluations of Indonesian poverty
reduction programs, and published research on poverty and inequality, targeting social
transfers, employment, education, and health in Indonesia. He is a member of the Editorial
Board of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies and of the Advisory Board of the
Indonesia Project at the Australian National University.
Professor John Murphy teaches Political Science at the University of Melbourne. His
expertise is in Australian and comparative social policy. His most recent books are A
Decent Provision (2011), a history of social policy design and development in Australia,
and Half a Citizen (2011), which explored the experiences of people receiving welfare
benefits and won an Australian Human Rights Commission Award. He has taught
Masters students in “Social policy and development” with colleagues at Universitas
Indonesia, and is developing a Masters subject “Comparative social policy in ASEAN”
with colleagues at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Tuesday 17 February 2015
Registration at 16.30 for a timely start at 17.00.
Tanjung Rasamala Room
Mandarin Oriental Jakarta
Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10310
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