On 10 January 2017, the Centre for Political Studies at the University of Indonesia (Puskapol UI) held a book launch and public seminar on research in excellence. The book was a social history of the last ten years of Puskapol, written by the Puskapol leadership. Speakers at the seminar were Sri Budi Eko Wardani (outgoing Puskapol director), Daniel Dhakidae (editor Prisma), Ruth Indiah Rahayu (director INKRISPENA) and Hans Antlov (KSI). The discussion was moderated by Kharisma Nugroho.
The seminar was a celebration of Puskapol’s impressive track record in the area of politics in Indonesia over the past 10 years. The event convened close to 100 political actors associated with Puskapol from the national parliament, government ministries, civil society and the University of Indonesia. The book launch showed the evolution of the main discourses on Indonesian politics and how Puskapol contributed to these discourses–an accountability report to the public and their donors.
Topics discussed were maintaining research integrity in a university-based policy research institute and key messages covered appreciation as well as an expectation on Puskapol to maintain its integrity, especially in the current political and societal situation of a divided society of ‘post-truth’ politics where values often count for more than facts.
This event was also a hand-over to the newly elected leadership of Puskapol and an opportunity to strengthen and build a university-based research organisation on principles of excellence, integrity and credibility.