(only in Bahasa Indonesia)
The government has created a new scheme for the procurement of goods and services, involving civil society organizations (CSO) using Swakelola Type III. This mechanism is designed to open up opportunities for the government to collaborate with organizations that are incorporated as foundations and associations with specific expertise required by the government. Swakelola Type III provides an alternative for the government to cooperate more broadly, not only with private legal entities but also non-profit legal entities. Swakelola Type III Regulation is closely associated with the role of policy research institutions and related stakeholders supported by the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), encouraging the government through National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) to open opportunities for non-governmental research institutions to be involved in the procurement of government goods and services. As part of the effort to study the use of Swakelola Type III mechanism, KSI has conducted annual evaluations since 2020. This report is the third evaluation in a series of evaluations that has noted several important points. First, there are different degrees of perception change in both CSOs and the government. In general, CSOs welcome cooperation with the government through Swakelola Type III. Meanwhile, many in the government have already used Swakelola Type III, although some are still waiting to learn for the experience of other line ministries and local governments.