This document presents the results of the evaluation study of the Swakelola Tipe III (“self-management type III”) procurement mechanism introduced in Peraturan Presiden nomor 16 tahun 2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (Presidential Decree number 16/2018 about government procurement of goods and services, hereafter “Perpres 16/2018”). This mechanism enables governments to directly contract organisasi kemasyarakatan (civil society organisations, hereafter “ormas”) to carry out activities. The inclusion of this mechanism in Perpres 16/2018 is at least in part due to advocacy by the Australian-funded Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) together with a number of its partner policy research institutes (PRIs).To understand the extent to which Swakelola Tipe III is being used and to learn from existing examples to improve socialisation and advocacy efforts related to procurement, in December 2019 KSI commissioned SOLIDARITAS to conduct an evaluation of existing Swakelola Tipe III data and known cases.