(Only in Bahasa Indonesia)
The study ‘South Sulawesi Silk Commodity Value Chain’ is the result of a collaboration between the Regional Research and Development Planning Agency (Bappelitbangda) of South Sulawesi Province, BaKTI Foundation and Payo-Payo with the support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI). This study applies a multi-actor and multi-disciplinary collaborative approach as a realisation of the multi-helix concept, which is a new experience in evidence-based policymaking in South Sulawesi.
Supporting the South Sulawesi government's program to restore the glory of local silk, this study captures the realities of the silk industry in the entire value chain, upstream to downstream, in Soppeng, Wajo and Enrekang regencies. This study produced a number of findings and policy recommendations to inform the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in formulating policies to support the development of the silk industry.