The food sector is one of the main agendas in every period of government in Indonesia. AKATIGA with the support of the Knowledge Sector Initiative responds to the importance of this sector through Food Resilience research. From 2013 to 2015, researchers from AKATIGA examined issues regarding land access, food production, and employment issues in 12 rice-producing villages in West Java, Central Java, and South Sulawesi. This research activity is based on the loose idea of self-sufficiency, beyond 'food security' and includes some elements of 'food sovereignty'. The aim of the research is to explore the problems and potentials of small-scale rice farming in Indonesia in meeting the demand for food self-sufficiency, both at the national and local levels. Research focuses on those who produce food, people who depend on the food production sector for their livelihoods, and institutions that can play a role in supporting small-scale food producers. This research is useful in revealing various general assumptions that underlie policies, but does not reflect the reality on the ground. The findings from this series of research are summarized in three major themes, namely land access and agrarian structure, rice farming systems in relation to social efficiency, and youth in rural areas and employment in the agricultural sector. More details are available in the link below.