Dear Colleagues,
Please allow us to thank you all for what has been achieved in 2020. KSI as a program is now progressing strongly with the support and collaboration of so many wonderful partners and leaders engaging on strengthening Indonesia’s knowledge sector.
It is a real privilege to take stock of what has progressed in 2020 through the work and accomplishment of partners within such a dynamic and operational environment. The attached newsletter highlights what I hope we can all recognise as joint results of Indonesian knowledge sector actors especially during the current pandemic COVID-19.
2021 promises to be a challenging and rewarding year, one in which we hope to continue building collective action to strengthen Indonesia’s knowledge sector to ensure the ongoing development and economic growth of the nation in an inclusive and equitable manner.
We would like to especially acknowledge the leadership of Bapak Leo Tampubolon, Ibu Amalia Adininggar, and BapakTeguh Sambodo throughout the year, which has ensured KSI remains relevant and on course. No less has been the continuing support of the DFAT team under Kirsten Bishop, Aedan Whyatt, Simon Ernst, and the K2P Unit (Eko Cahyono, Agung Wasono, Endang Dewayanti, Siti Fitriyani and Nur Hasan).
Look forward to working with you in 2021!