KPP Video Toolkit: Video 4 – How Groups of People Gather and Use Evidence and Knowledge

This is the fourth of five videos, to look at how peoples’ values, interests, and beliefs affect what is considered to be relevant and credible knowledge.

This is the fourth of five videos in the series. It looks at how peoples’ values, interests, and beliefs affect what is considered to be relevant and credible knowledge. If you can understand what other people consider to be credible and relevant, you can work out where you need to focus your work to attract their attention.

Further reading on Alignment Interest and Influence Matrix (AIIM):

Young, J., Shaxson, l., Jones, H., Hearn, S., Datta, A., Cassidy, C. (2014) ‘Rapid Outcome Mapping Approach: A Guide to Policy Engagement and Influence’, Paper, Overseas Development Institute, [online] Available:

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