Research Ecosystem Restoration Gives Rise to Advanced Indonesia

What are actually the problems of research ecosystem in the country? The publication team discussed further about Impacts from Research Governance, Research Conditions in Other Countries, as well as Research Governance and Institutions. The article was originally published in Bahasa Indonesia

Research Ecosystem Restoration Gives Rise to Advanced Indonesia

The Plenary Session of the House of Representatives and the government on 16 July 2019 ratified the Draft Law on the National System of Science and Technology (RUU Sisnas Iptek) into law. There will be no less than 22 government regulations and three presidential regulations derived from the law.

The presidential regulation concerning the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN); management of endowment funds for research, development, assessment, and application to produce inventions and innovations; and the National Science and Technology Information System. Article 48 of the National System of Science and Technology Law provides that to carry out research, development, assessment, application, as well as inventions and innovations in an integrated manner, a national research and innovation body shall be formed.

The national research and innovation body, often referred to as BRIN, will be formed by the president. Whereas the provisions regarding the national research and innovation body will be regulated by a presidential regulation. The law also states that ‘integrated’ means efforts to direct and synergize, among others, the preparation of plans, programs, budgets, and scientific and technological resources in the fields of research, development, study, and application to produce inventions and innovations. This serves as a scientific foundation in the formulation and determination of national development policies

What are actually the problems of research ecosystem in the country?

The publication team discusses further the Impacts of Research Governance Issues, Research Conditions in Other Countries as well as Research Governance and Institutions. Follow the all of the discussions here.


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