Achieving policy influence is not the same as supporting evidence-informed policy making. However, the two are often conflated. Policy influence refers to a supply-driven model where the results of one or more research studies are promoted with the aim of achieving some changes in policy. Evidence-informed policy making on the other hand implies a process where a range of research is considered and understood during the policy making process – along with other forms of evidence--– with the aim to improve the policy outcome.
Systematic demand and use of research and evidence in development policy design and implementation requires more than just an ability to influence policy – it also requires a culture of evidence-informed policy making. In this event, three speakers with extensive experience both as knowledge producers and policy makers share their experience in both influencing policy and supporting an evidence-informed policy making culture in the inner circle of policy making in Indonesia. They will share their insights on what constraints are faced by government institutions and individuals that demand and make use of evidence to inform decision making, and how they deal with this constraints. This will discuss how policy makers evaluate their own polices—especially in situations where policies are designed in a way that does not allow for proper evaluation.
In addition, in the era of “media sovereignty”, where policy makers are very attuned to media coverage of their ministry or policies —they will share their insights on the contestation between media and traditional research, and discuss whether in some cases attention to public opinion may displace policy research in informing policy.
To discuss this further, the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) invites you to become participants in Knowledge Sharing with the theme of “Demand and use of evidence: insights from the inside”, which will be held on:
Day / DateThursday, April 21, 2016Time13:30-16:00Venue
Room Rinjani, KSI Office
Ratu Plaza Office Tower floor 9
Jl. Sudirman No. 9 Jakarta
The speakers are:
- Sudarno Sumarto, PhD (TNP2K, Policy Advisor and Senior Research Fellow- SMERU Research Institute--KSI partner research organisation)-confirmed;
- Prof. Suahasil Nazara (Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) at Ministry of Finance, and former TNP2K Policy Group Coordinator); and
- Nur Fauzi Rahman, PhD, Special staff to the Chief of President Office—former Director of Sajogyo Institute-confirmed.
This event provides an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, policy makers to meet and share their experiences on how and why evidence informs policy.
Please kindly confirm your rsvp to Putri: and Deslly: at latest 19 April 2016, as the seat is limited.
Warm Regards,
Tim Knowledge Sector Initiative