Knowledge Sector Initiative - Katadata Forum Policy Discussion: The Urgency of Government Digital Transformation to Respond to Pandemics and National Development

Jadwal :

  • 3 Maret 2021
  • 15:00 - 17:00
Knowledge Sector Initiative - Katadata Forum Policy Discussion: The Urgency of Government Digital Transformation to Respond to Pandemics and National Development

Knowledge Sector Initiative - Katadata Forum

Policy Discussion "The Urgency of Government Digital Transformation to Respond to Pandemics and National Development"




Uncertainty amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the economic, social, and political sectors has prompted the government to respond quickly through a policy. To ensure that policies are well targeted to respond to problems quickly, the use of accurate data and evidence is essential. Government digital transformation can support data alignment and accelerate the synthesis of collected evidence, coordination process, synergies, as well as formal and informal coordination between central and local governments.


In realizing digital transformation, the government has prepared a number of policies, one of which is the Electronic-Based Governance System (Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik, SPBE). However, in realizing those policies, there are various challenges, especially in the policymaking process that is closely related to the political decisions of various actors involved.


Time: Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 15.00 - 17.00 (GMT +7)


Keynote speaker: Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa



1. CIPG Researcher, Dinita Andriani Putri

2. Governor of Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan*

3. Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo

4. COVID-19 Response Task Force Spokesman, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito

5. Deputy for Institutional and Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of PAN-RB, Rini Widyantini



1. CIPG Senior Advisor, Yanuar Nugroho

2. Deputy II of KSP, Abetnego Tarigan


This event will be broadcast live on YouTube channel: Katadata


See you at the event!



1. Discussions will be held in Indonesian.

2. Sign Language Interpreters and closed captions in Indonesian will be available.

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