by Elizabeth Jackson
"How can KSI effectively catalyse collective action to strengthen Indonesia’s policy cycle to address the growing complexity of Indonesia’s development challenges?"
On 20-22 March in Bandung, KSI and Bappenas held a strategy workshop to develop ideas and build a shared vision of the overall direction for the second phase of the program. The workshop used an innovative process - developed by Canadian business solutions firm The Syntegrity Group - which facilitates participants to identify challenges and opportunities, brainstorm ideas, and develop recommendations. This approach enables large, diverse groups to efficiently deal with complex issues and challenges in a compressed timeframe.
The workshop brought together over 50 participants from across government, policy research institutes, and universities as well as key opinion leaders. Discussion focused on answering the question: How can the Knowledge Sector Initiative effectively catalyse collective action to strengthen Indonesia’s policy cycle to address the growing complexity of Indonesia’s development challenges?
Over the course of the workshop, participants discussed the role of the Knowledge Sector Initiative in strengthening the policy cycle, improving application of evidence in the policy cycle, facilitating evidence-informed public discourse, addressing the constraints to producing policy-relevant knowledge, and ensuring gender equity and social inclusion in policymaking. The outcomes of the workshop are being used to inform the development of a guiding strategy for Phase 2, and will form the basis for more detailed planning between July and December 2017.