Seeing that the improvement of public policy is vital for the development of effective public service programs, Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) and BaKTI foundation held a seminar and workshop on the quality of policy index (IKK) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, from Aug. 7 to 8.
The event was held as a follow-up to the launch of IKK by the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN) on June7. KSI assisted and supported LAN during the process to create the IKK, including the national survey for the index.
30 public officials and representatives of all regencies and cities in South Sulawesi participated in the event. The regional assistant III of South Sulawesi opened the event which presented speakers from LAN Jakarta’s Center for Policy Analysis (PUSAKA) and LAN Makassar’s Center for Research, Education and Training for bureaucrats (PKP2A).
IKK is an online-based system that can be easily used by ministries, state institutions, and regional administrations to assess the quality of public policy. As an official instrument, indicators stated on IKK can be used to profile public policy created in each institution.
IKK has been adopted as a performance indicator for Indonesia Serving Movement, especially in the deregulation program, which is one of five main programs of the National Movement for Mental Revolution (GNRM), initiated by President Joko Widodo.
"Quality and policy are two key points of IKK. If a policy doesn't give positive impact, it means the policy is bad and ineffective," South Sulawesi Secretary Tautoto Tanna Ranggina said in his closing speech.
Participants, consisted of some strategic agencies in South Sulawesi, including the planning agency, legal bureau and research and development agency, were enthusiastic during the seminar. They also actively participated in the IKK simulation.
During the event, a participant from Enrekang, South Sulawesi, welcomed the use of IKK to measure the quality of public policy. Previously, there was no method to assess the quality of the policy.
Through the two-day seminar, participants were expected to be able to use the IKK properly, so that quality policy could be created. The implementation of IKK is expected to improve the quality of evidence-based public policy in Indonesia.