To carry out the capcity development of Policy Analysts, the State Administration Agency (LAN) as the agency that fosters the Policy Analyst Functional Position (JFAK) has compiled a guidebook to optimize the role of JFAK titled "Panduan Optimalisasi Peran Jabatan Fungsional Analis Kebijakan". This guidebook is intended to be a reference in optimizing the role of Policy Analysts in each agency. The guidebook is very important to build stakeholders' understanding about the existence of JFAK and the potential roles of the Policy Analysts can play in their environment. In the future this guidebook would be one of the coaching media carried out by LAN to encourage the active role of Policy Analysts as public policy think tanks in Indonesia to improve the quality of policies according to their fields of expertise.
KSI has actively supported LAN in building the role of JFAK and facilitated various activities to improve the quality of JFAK as well as supporting the process of preparing this guidebook. The guidebook is only available in Bahasa Indonesia.