This synthesis report draws on 67 cases of change representing experiences of 29 Indonesian organisations to answer two overarching questions. First, what notable changes took place in the knowledge sector in Indonesia from 2013-2016, as identified by individuals and organisations directly involved in the knowledge sector. Second, what factors are perceived to be associated with these changes, including but not limited to the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI).
These cases offer insights into change processes that have unfolded over the last three years and for some, the preceding years and decades. Stories of change and episode studies focus on processes as well as outcomes and so can uncover unforeseen changes, communicate the meaning of particular processes, and document more subtle changes like shifts in interpersonal relationships and in organisational culture that may be difficult to capture through other means. The findings raise a number of questions for further inquiry, which should be triangulated with information from other sources, particularly those of policymakers whose decisions researchers intend to influence.