(the event will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia)
Please join our discussion series on various topics in the Indonesian knowledge sector
KSIxChange#24: Penyelarasan Riset Pandemi Covid-19 dalam Proses Pengambilan Kebijakan yang Berkelanjutan dan Inklusif
The right and proper knowledge or evidence are needed to supply the policy formulation in tackling the COVID-19 in Indonesia. Responding to this, Bappenas and KemenristekBRIN, as central player ministries in advocating the knowledge-based policy, have initiated a platform or work plan that aims to meet supply and demand for the better available knowledge/research products.
However, these efforts to coordinate a good supply flow need to be supported by increasingly better and apparent demand for knowledge. Therefore, LIPI will describe their role as a knowledge producer in encouraging the strengthening of policy research to collaborate with various sectors.
- Subandi, Deputi Bidang Pembangunan Manusia, Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian PPN/Bappenas
- Ali Ghufron Mukti, Ketua Konsorsium Covid-19, Kemenristek/BRIN
- Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti, Deputi Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
Moderator: Tita Larasati, Ketua Klaster Sains dan Masyarakat, Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia (ALMI)
Registration: bit.ly/ksixchange24
- You will receive a confirmation email once you registered.
- Please join at least 15 minutes in advance to ensure your connection.
- The event also will be live-streamed on YouTube: The Conversation Indonesia