We invite Indonesian Researcher and Diaspora to join:
Research Innovation Discussion: Innovation Research Funding for Indonesian Diaspora in the Socio-Economic Sector in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic
This activity aims to bring together research ideas from Indonesian researchers with Indonesian diaspora researchers to develop joint research proposals to respond to funding opportunities from the "Indonesian Diaspora Research-Innovation Collaboration Program". Held to support the handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, the focus of this idea-matchmaking is on the social research sub-topic on handling economic problems after the pandemic ends and social resilience of the community.
We will also discuss one example of innovation research ideas, titled 'Social Review in COVID-19 in Southeast Asia'. Where the element of social aspects studies has the potential to be able to provide scientific analysis to the general public and to the government because of its association with the socio-cultural space of society.
- Rosalia Sciortino, Associate Professor of the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University & Founder and Executive Director, SEA Junction
- Teguh Rahardjo, Executive Director, Science Fund (DIPI)
Moderator: Dina Afrianty, Research Fellow, La Trobe University
Registration: rebrand.ly/DanaRisetInovasi